Every spring I am fired up to get out into my yard and play in the dirt. I can pull weeds like a champion, but now that we’ve settled into our new-to-us house I want to establish a cutting garden.
In my last house we created a perennial garden that produced flowers from early spring to late fall, and I loved having fresh flowers in the house all the time!
Here are some of my favorite flowers for a cutting garden.
Peony Rose
My all-time favorite flower!
In my last house I cultivated and loved all over peonies that produced huge blossoms in various shades of pink. They make the best cuttings!
My all-time favorite flower!
In my last house I cultivated and loved all over peonies that produced huge blossoms in various shades of pink. They make the best cuttings!
{these peonies are from my garden at my last house}
{these hydrangeas were at a house we vacationed at on cape cod – they were spectacular!}
Traditional Rose
There are over 100 species of roses, but these I would consider traditional roses that have thorns.
Oriental Poppy
New England Aster
Russian Sage
Black Eyed Susan
Bishop’s Lace
If you are looking to start a cutting garden, there are so many resources out here on the interwebs!
Here are a couple articles to get you started.
Feed Your Soul: Plant A Cutting Garden at Gardener’s Supply
Grow A Colorful Cutting Garden at Hobby Farms
If you’re starting from scratch, bhg.com actually has easy-care garden plans that you can download and follow.
For small space gardening, check out Live On The Balcony: Container Garden Ideas & Inspiration
What are your favorite flowers to cut?
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
i love peonies, and daisies! and all of them! i am so glad we have peonies, and we also have a gargantuan russian sage.
Dana Frieling says
I wish I was your neighbor so I could enjoy your cutting garden as well!
pam {simple details} says
I wish I lived on the other side! 🙂 I have many of the same planted, but I need a spot dedicated to cutting!
Privet and Holly says
Fun, I just started
adding the annuals
to my cutting garden,
today! I love a mix
of perennials and
annuals. Zinnias in
particular, really make
me smile! I also put
in my herbs today as
it was a lovely 75, dry
and sunny.
Happy Tuesday,
xo Suzanne
Kelly @ View Along the Way says
Yes! I want to do this SO bad.
Urban Orchard Interiors says
Lisa, peonies and hydrangeas are my favorites too! This was so informative. I have been putting our garden together little by little over the years but really wish I had had a plan from the beginning. This post is so helpful and informative. Now I'm looking out my window and I want to rip everything out and start over! Thanks for some great inspiration.
Carrie @ Hazardous Design says
Never thought to plant flowers for the sole purpose of cutting them. Oh! The money I'd save by not buying flowers at the grocery every week!
Lisa - A Room with A View says
I have a ton of hydrandeas and I love the variations in their color. The foxglove are gorgeous, too, and who does not love a beautiful rose!
Adelina Priddis says
Oh I would love a cutting garden! Flowers are not my forte when it comes to gardening though. Maybe next year I'll have to give it more of a try.
Jennifer L. Griffin says
What a fantastic resource! Love all of them and have a few in my yard as well. I absolutely adore peonies but have never planted any! Must rememdy that…